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Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm moving! My new site: A Thousand Footsteps

Summer 2013

     Although the summer isn't over quite yet, I am filled with dread of the coming fall and all its tests and homework and stress. However tight my stomach twists, I welcome the stability, organization, and simple tasks and goals school brings. Of course, I'll be taking all that back about mid way through the first semester.
     But I don't have to worry about any of that just yet. It's still summer, and because I'm not counting the days, I have no idea how much time I have left (well, an inkling, but if I can suppress that, I will). I must admit, I have spent the majority of this break in lonesome Netflix watching. I have enjoyed my time, but I do wish I had done something a bit more... worth remembering.
      This summer has been a well needed respite, and I don't give it much credit for that. I have needed time and space to take care of myself, something everyone should do every once in a while. Of course, there have been absolutely spontaneous adventures and some planned getaways which have been refreshing and well needed also.
     I have watched countless documentaries on how to live at the height of my health and to get the most out of life. I have gained so much knowledge. There is no doubt in my mind that I know and love myself with more sincerity, and can take care of myself more effectively all because I spent the day on my couch.
     In short, at a glimpse my summer looks mundane and monotonous, but in actuality, it was the perfect balance of healing solitude and people filled experiences. I have enjoyed every minute of it, despite complaining of a certain staleness. There is a certain peace that comes with that extra freedom of summer break, and I'm basking in it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Avid Expressions

If you've never been to a coffee shop open mic night, you're missing out. I went to my first last night, and I have to say, it was an experience I won't forget for a while. It's incredible to sit a dark shop, sipping hand poured coffee, and hearing the intimate songs people sing or poems they've written. There is such a sense of unity felt between every audience member and performer. The entire room becomes comfortable with those sitting next to them or across or on the other side of the room. It's almost like a therapy session, in which everyone shares their deepest secrets and supports each other. There were definitely tears shed last night.

Not every act will move you to tears, though. The night was filled with a mix of comedy, story telling, love songs, and poems about everything. My favorite of the night was when a young guy named Sean started asking questions of the women in the room, like When is it appropriate to call a woman ma'am? And us ladies asked things like Why don't men clean up after themselves in the restroom? The conversation that followed proved to be an interesting and funny one.

I had a wonderful time at Avid Expressions, and I think I might come with a poem or song next time!

I never thought I would be into coffee, but this mocha proved me wrong!

Young the Giant

I have found my new favorite band. Young the Giant has been on my radar for some time now, but recently have captured my attention with their laid back vibe and complex lyrics. Definitely going to be included on my summer playlist, which will be uploaded on a later date. For now, enjoy this incredible song and scenery.

Random Acts of Kindness

Have you ever wanted to make someone happy just for the heck of it? I think it's human nature to feel good about making other people feel good. You could make the argument that we do nice things to feel content, which would make random acts of kindness a selfish activity... But I'd like to keep a more positive view of humanity. My small group and I decided that the local mall could use some blessing, so we set off to make people smile.

We met in the food court and set to work sticking tons and tons of quarters on the backs of little notecards. I never realized how life changing sticky dots can be. We wrote the cheesiest messages on the opposite side of the cards. I honestly believe that for a situation like this one, the cheesier, thee better. This also works when talking about pizza.

Then began the slow walk around and around the mall, finding convenient vending machines to stick our quarter filled envelopes on. After circulating the mall about 3 times, we strategically placed all of our envelopes. Unfortunately, we decided it would be much too suspicious to stick around, so all we could do was wait and talk about summer camp (which none of us can wait another second for; honestly it's killing me to wait).

After waiting 20 minutes and spending the rest of our quarters on Jamba Juice (I don't think the cashier was very happy with being paid in all change), it was time to make one last round to check on our little blessings. Most had been picked up! It was a really sweet experience. I really hope that we made someone smile.

Have you done anything like this? Tell me about it in the comments!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Summer Bucket List

I'm determined to make this summer memorable! I decided that I'm going to make a small list of things to do at least once a week that I can remember forever! Here goes:

  • ride in a hot air balloon
  • visit a farmer's market
  • jump off the bridge at the Delta
  • go stargazing (somewhere I can actually see the stars!)
  • watch the sunrise from the mountains somewhere
  • have a bonfire night
  • see a drive in movie
  • go to an outdoor concert
  • go camping- it could be minor, like pitching a tent in my front yard 
  • go rock climbing
  • go to a carnival
  • release paper lanterns
  • spend a day in San Francisco- walk the golden gate bridge, eat in an authentic resturaunt... etc
I have so many more ideas but I think summer is too short for everything! So here's the few that I think are important to me. Tell me what you think! What's on your bucket list this summer?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Almaden Lake Park Bike Ride

I had to really convince myself to get off my butt this morning. However, I eventually was persuaded (and my sister too!) to go on a bike ride. We had no destination in mind at first, but after circling our neighborhood a couple times, we decided to ride over to Almaden Lake Park, a little man-made lake adjacent to a little playground, as the name suggests. The path to the park is about 7 miles, so it was a good, tiring ride. It felt amazing to be outside and breathe fresh air, instead of sitting cooped up in my stuffy room all day.
Overall, I'd say today was a pretty nice little adventure!