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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Avid Expressions

If you've never been to a coffee shop open mic night, you're missing out. I went to my first last night, and I have to say, it was an experience I won't forget for a while. It's incredible to sit a dark shop, sipping hand poured coffee, and hearing the intimate songs people sing or poems they've written. There is such a sense of unity felt between every audience member and performer. The entire room becomes comfortable with those sitting next to them or across or on the other side of the room. It's almost like a therapy session, in which everyone shares their deepest secrets and supports each other. There were definitely tears shed last night.

Not every act will move you to tears, though. The night was filled with a mix of comedy, story telling, love songs, and poems about everything. My favorite of the night was when a young guy named Sean started asking questions of the women in the room, like When is it appropriate to call a woman ma'am? And us ladies asked things like Why don't men clean up after themselves in the restroom? The conversation that followed proved to be an interesting and funny one.

I had a wonderful time at Avid Expressions, and I think I might come with a poem or song next time!

I never thought I would be into coffee, but this mocha proved me wrong!

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